Dee Dee

Dee Dee

P1000143Dee Deedee dee 1-7-30 3P1000144P1000135P1000328P1000329P1000332P1000393P1000333P1000328P1000329P1000332P1000333P1000135P1000144P1000143Dee Dee

Dee Dee is our sweet little deaf pit bull. Thanks to Pilots and Paws, she was flown from Midland to Katy. We are teaching hand signs  for deaf dogs. She will do best in a family willing to work with her .

Hooray, we have discovered that Dee Dee is not deaf, just stubborn! She responds fine to voice commands, when she wants to. She is an inexhaustible ball chaser. She also, actually, brings the ball back.


Dee Dee is available for sponsorship.