Help us treat the ranch!



We need to take care of treating the ranch for fleas (this extreme heat has made it the worst we have ever seen!)

We just need $350 to take care of our two acres. The treatment is animal and people friendly and will help in our efforts to reduce flea problems.



  • By Sharon Mosher, July 1, 2011 @ 12:45 pm

    We are using DE on the dogs and in the runs. We now need to treat the acreage to eliminate the fleas. As long as the acreage is untreated, we cannot control the fleas and the dogs certainly need to come out and run and play on the acreage.

  • By P. Jacob, December 26, 2011 @ 11:50 pm

    Just found this appeal - some suggestions that have worked for me for years hope these suggestions help

    In lieu of insecticides give the land continual and good spraying with laundry/dish detergent - Fleas are in the beetle family and breathe thru their shells - block the shells with soap/bubbles it works - you may have to start with that and then spray with a good non invasive flea retardant but keep spraying with detergent - DAWN in concentrated levels will coat the grass and you can use DAWN to bathe and keep the kids from overexposure to insecticide bathing products -Start early in the season to reduce the egg hatching when it gets hot -
    I never used insecticides on any of the dogs that were clients at my grooming shop nor do I use any on my dogs now - They should get a monthly dose of flea control - a good one - from the vet tho and bathed in DAWN or BABY SHAMPOO - the latter especially around their heads so it wouldn;t hurt/or burn should some happen to get into their eyes - but you must let the shampoo sit on them for at least 5 min ea time to smother the fleas - 2nd shampoo should take care of the rest of them - lather them up and let them sit in it for a while again-massaging it in their coats which they will love - you’ll be surprised at the results and how easy it is on their coats and skin -
    Rinse - rinse well

    When bathing start at the head - don’t use water at first - just soap up with the shampoo on their heads so that the fleas will run to the back of the dog instead of their faces or eyes - water the rest of the dog from neck down and soap up with the shampoo - rinse head and re lather when you think the majority of the fleas have run to the back of the dog- then contiue to bathe as above -

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