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Our Junior Volunteers are crucial to helping keep the animals happy, and things running smoothly both on adoption days, and at other times. If you or someone you know is responsible, mature, and loves animals, we would love their help.

Being a Junior Volunteer is a great oppurtunity for a young person to learn about sharing, helping and caring for all living things, and it gives them a great sense of achievement.

**If you are interested in becoming a STAAR junior volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Form. If you are under 18, please ask your parents to fill out the form for you!**

We had a great car wash - our first Junior Fundraiser.
A Huge Thanks to Beth and Carrie who chaired the event and to ALL the volunteers who helped on this great day!

Beth bringing the proceeds to the Ranch!


A big THANKS to all of our Junior Volunteers!!

monique bubbles


Donate now!