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Shining STAARS

Wish you could adopt a dog or cat but are unable to?

Maybe you love animals but are allergic to them?

Well, you can still be a Mom or Dad to a homeless pet! Become a Shining STAAR and you will get all the joy without any of the sniffles... (Well, maybe a few tears of happiness when you see how your dollars are going to save the life of a beautiful animal).

This program provides you the opportunity to sponsor a pet of your choice by donating $25.00 per month for food and medical costs. You will receive recognition next to the pets photo on the adoption page, so that all can know which pet you are helping.

You can save the life of an animal and be able to enjoy the story of its progress to becoming someone's loved pet rather than being doomed to a life of wandering the streets of Houston, dodging cars and starvation.

STAAR is a registered non-profit organization, entirely run by volunteer labor, so every penny you donate is both tax-deductible and goes entirely to the animals.

If you are interested in becoming a shining STAAR, please email us, and notify us which pet you would like to sponsor, Or you can click on the "click and pledge" below, and select the "Shining STAAR" option, in the notes please specify which pet you would like to sponsor.

Donate now!